Thursday, May 26, 2011


I love Kim Searles.  A lot.  Kim and I are a unit.  Many times, we say things to each other without words... like people will be talking and we'll look at each other and I'll know what she's saying.  Let's go back in Cadence history.  My second semester, I get to sit in on auditions for the first time and I'm super psyched.  Kim auditions and ... okay one more insert.  During auditions, Cadence is the most obnoxious.  We would write notes on their audition papers and I made notecards for everyone that I could keep so I could always remember what I thought when I first saw them.  I'm super critical of notes so I, unlike American Idol judges, don't care if there's emotion, if the notes are wrong, they're wrong and you don't need to be going into singing.  So I would put check marks next to notes that were correct and x's (usually dark ones) when they were wrong.  Kim got no x's obvi but I did make a comment that I thought she had an attitude.  And I totally remember why I put that.  Someone, I'm guessing Jessica Hiltebidle or Andie asked her to move over somewhere to do scales or whatever and Kim goes mmmmk.  And I thought she was being like, Oh my gah, why you making me move?  And she probably was but this same attitude was what helped us bond and become the unit.  And this attitude would morph into not taking any bs which helped make Cadence as great as it is today.  Anyway, she was clearly one of the two best because we took two and she unanimously accepted and loved.  Moving on.

At the beginning of that semester, we had to make a poster for our table when we were pit-sitting.  I was obsessed with Cadence (still am) and while everyone else was trying to get out of making a poster, I was all about it.  So I shouted out, I'll do it but someone has to help me.  And new Kim goes, I'll help and I was like YAYYYY BONDING OPPORTUNITY.  So I picked her up at HJ and we went (was this the time it was raining cats and dogs or was that just another one of the many times we went to CVS to get stuff to make posters).  Then we started making cupcakes for people.  We made a list of everyone in Cadence... texted all of them and of those that responded, made a map of where they lived and the route that made the most sense and performed our cupcake fairy duties, which usually included drawings.

I hate parking.  I've learned to love driving because it takes me to where I need to go to see people but I still hate parking.  And parking in Chapel Hill on campus is exponentially worse than just reg parking.  So I would pick up Kim before rehearsal (every single one she would let me) and make her go through the anxiety I experienced while parking with me.  Wendy's glorified nuggets also brought us close together.  I think I would be ten pounds lighter if I had never been introduced to them but I'll take the extra ten pounds for the time I got to spend with Kim.  We took turns paying for dinner because it would have been ridiculous to have two transactions every time we went.  I wonder if we made it even or if one of us came out on top.  Ha.

She probably would have enjoyed me being 10 lbs lighter in the picture above and below but it's fine.

Kim is always there.  And she's not one of those people, well I take it back before I say it, she can be but she's not always one of those people, that just hug you and say it's okay, it's going to be fine, everything happens for a reason... blah blah blah.  She's one of those people that is like, yeah, that sucks and let's cry it out, talk it out and if you need to repeat everything you JUST got done saying to enhance your sanity, go for it, I will listen.  Sometimes she's that, it's going to be fine person but sometimes, that's not what you want to hear and during those times, she's your girl.  I go into this place where I feel like people don't like me and I'm annoying and so I told her this one day and instead of saying, oh Melissa, everyone loves you- you're great blah blah blah she goes "that place is full of lies."  So she said all of those things you want to hear but just in a more compact version.  And anyone can spit out all of those encouraging things that don't really mean things but only Kim can say the things she says.

Also, we keep typos alive.  I want to did.  I love you bug.

I love you bug- your friendship means so much to me.  You're like a handprint on my heart <3.  Bah ha.  No, but really.

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