Sunday, May 8, 2011

Barack Obama

It's no surprise I am a strong supporter of Obama.  First and foremost, I'm very liberal and therefore, Obama and I agree on a lot of issues.  

I'm not going to say much about his economic policies because that would be the area I'm least educated in.  However, I'm working on it.  I'm reading Bernie Sander's The Speech and I have to say, I wish he had stood up for his beliefs on it more because we have the same ones.  I won't go into the details but the book is Sanders' filibuster speech fighting against the extension of these tax breaks.  Anyways, I believe in his healthcare program.  I think a lot of people who are strongly against it, don't know all the details.  I like that he supports stem-cell research.  I think I remember reading that while he doesn't support gay marriage, he does believe in rights for homosexual couples.  Could be better, could be a lot worse.  I think he handled the bin Laden issue with great care.  While some people think he's taking all the credit, he did have to make the final call.  He had to build the team, he had to choose from many options which would be the balance between safety and potential of getting him once and for all.  He obviously made the right decision and with all the pressure that was on him to make that decision, he did a great job.  I like that he's passionate about education for young kids, that he is against abstinence-only education and that he supports teachers.  

Now for trivial things.  I love his voice because it makes me feel safe.  I love the way he looks at Michelle and how he acts towards Sasha and Malia.  I love that he played basketball with my tar heels and that he takes the time to meet teenage girls that write him letters about growing up without a dad because of 9/11.  I think he's so classy.  The Republicans shoot down every thing he tries.  "If I said the sky was blue, they'd say 'no.' If I said fish lived in the sea, they'd say 'no.'"  Okay, so maybe that wasn't classy but it was funny and if that's all he says against him, God bless him.  It's not over the issue, it's over partisanship.  But not getting started on that.

I love Barack Obama, I think he's doing a great job with the resources he's been given, and I think history will be much kinder than we are now.

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