Monday, July 4, 2011


I love the color green.  Good old crayola crayon green.  My favorite color was always baby blue or pink and I think I had a stretch where my favorite color was orange... we don't ask.  But I remember exactly when green became my favorite color.  Now, let's not pretend I'm an outdoorsy kinda girl but... it did happen outside.  So my boyfriend at the time (my husband now) treated me to an anniversary picnic.  He went from Mebane to Graham to get my favorite fast food meal- Arby's number one in case you were wondering- and came back to Mebane to pick me up.  He put the food in the trunk so I couldn't smell it and he blindfolded me so I had no idea where I was going.  I don't remember if he blindfolded me or if I wasn't allowed to look- I'm pretty sure it was the latter.  Anyways, when we got there he let me open my eyes and we were at the Burlington park and it was a beautiful day.  We had our roast beef sandwiches and then we went for a walk and we were sitting on a blanket afterwards and I was just so happy and I was looking around and the grass and the trees were just beautiful on this May 13th and I just had never looked at the outside world the way I did that day because I'm always staying outside as little as possible.  From there, my wedding colors were pink and green and our apartment was decorated with green, blue and brown.  Oh and the room I'm sitting in right now- when my parents had it painted we didn't know yet that I would be moving to Florida right after graduation so I got to pick the color- it's green.

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